Wireless Technology: The Dark Side of Convenience


The ancient Romans became sickened by seemingly safe lead pipes bringing drinking water. Today, the story repeats with wireless.

Something new is in the air. You can’t see it, hear it, smell it or feel it, but the cells in your body can. It’s called wireless technology.

Are we slowly cooking humanity to death?

Wireless fills the air around us with an invisible electrosmog of microwave radiation used for communication by devices like cell phones, mobile computers, and smart (utility) meters. The wireless age has revolutionized the way we live our lives – with smartphones tapping into our ancient human need to communicate and belong.

Many of us have willingly succumbed to the addiction of these modern conveniences handed to us by government and industry… but how many of us have stopped to ask: is this safe?

How does this stuff really work? Are we so desperately attached to our mobile devices that we no longer care to know the truth?

Behind the lure of convenience there is something industry would rather we not know: people are getting sick from wireless; there is a trail of ignored studies going back to WW2 showing stark dangers; our industry skewed safety ‘guidelines’ are obsolete and largely deceptive; and there is no proof that this technology is safe.

While Europe begins to awaken to the dangers and starts to step back, North America hurtles towards a potential public health disaster. Could it be that the ultimate cost of our wireless convenience is lethally short-sighted?

A new twist to old technology

Most people are not aware that wireless is a modern day adaptation of WW2 radar technologies, complete with most of its inherent risks. It’s difficult to relate to the nebulous nature of microwaves which pierce silently through the air around us at the speed of light, vibrating atoms at millions to billions of times per second, penetrating virtually everything including buildings, cement walls, and – unfortunately – our bodies and brains.

Silent and invisible, it’s easy to dismiss the radiation from the new cell tower down the street and slot it into the ‘no threat’ compartment of our minds. This, however, could be a fatal filing error.

We need water every day, which comes to us through pipes. We wouldn’t think of putting water into towers and sprinkling it all over ourselves just in case we wanted a drink, yet this is exactly what we do with microwave radiation. Instead of getting it through wires on demand, which works perfectly well and presents no risk, we now blast it silently and invisibly from thousands of cell towers and wifi’s – 24/7/365 – onto everyone.

Water is inert and harmless. Microwave radiation is not.

Our present exposure to man-made microwaves is 1 quintrillion (one followed by 18 zero’s) times greater than our natural exposure to these frequencies, and increasing rapidly. With a cell tower almost always within sight, smart meters on every home, and industry hell-bent on saturating every square centimeter of the planet with wireless signals, we are literally microwaving every living organism in a global biological experiment.

Is it any wonder that some of us are showing signs of being cooked?

The early warning signs are self-evident

On a pleasant spring morning, in 2006, the residents of the small village of Götene, Sweden arose and began to go about their daily routine. Unknown to most people, on this day a powerful ‘WiMAX’ station (a wireless internet access system) was activated for test purposes.

Before long some people began to feel ill, and the local hospital emergency room telephone began ringing with calls from people suffering from headaches, difficulty breathing, blurred vision, racing hearts and a range of other symptoms. The symptoms abated when the system was deactivated or if the sufferer left the area. On May 23, 2006, the story was covered on Sweden’s STV television station current affairs program, ‘Debatt’.

A decade earlier Swedish health authorities had noted that the widespread expansion of wireless signals coincided with a sharp but subtle decline in the overall health of the population. The number of Swedish workers on sick leave began to rise abruptly in late 1997 – after declining for years – and doubled in the next five years.

Today, about 270,000 Swedes are on disability for related impairments. Sweden, the historical epicenter of the cell phone industry with the longest exposed population, was the first country to recognize disabilities from electromagnetic radiation (‘EMR’) as a valid medical condition.

In spite of calming reassurances from public health authorities, increasing numbers of citizens appear to be presenting classic symptoms of microwave radiation sicknesses. The Russians, who coined the term, describe its effect as “reversible in the early stages, lethal over time”.

What is the communication industry hiding from us?

It is common for public health agencies to state that wireless is ‘safe’ and that there is ‘no reason for concern’. But, should we trust these opinions, when thousands of international doctors and scientists have become concerned enough to sign resolutions warning of the opposite?

After all, our authorities have been dead wrong many times before – remember thalidomide, lead, tobacco, and asbestos? In reality, our public health agencies – often lagging decades behind the marketplace – have a rather spectacular history of failure in protecting us from new products.

As chronic long-term exposure to EMR peaks at levels the human body has never before experienced, increasing numbers of us are beginning to succumb. Those highly sensitive are called ‘electrohypersensitives’ (‘EHS’). Are today’s EHS sufferers the early canaries in the coalmine – who’ve reached a tipping point we may all be headed for as exposures continue to increase?
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